Please carefully read our general booking, cancellation, payment and other Terms

1. Definitions

SCUBA Shark dive center by Beedibol Pvt Ltd shall be construed to comprise "the Company", as well as all their affiliates, officers, agents, employees, workers, directors and representatives.

2. General Booking

2.1 All customers must show proof of diving certification minimum Open Water Certification
2.2 All customers must complete and sign a Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Form.
2.3 The Company will not and is not permitted to offer any medical advice.
2.5 The maximum depth permitted in Maldives is 30 meters, 100 feet for Open Water Divers with the Deep Adventure Dive certification, Advanced Divers, Divemasters and Instructors. Open Water Divers without any additional Deep training will not be permitted to dive deeper than 18 meters, 60 feet.

2.6 The Company reserves the right to modify and/or cancel diving arrangements for the reasons listed, but not limited to, those below:

2.6.1 The remoteness or inaccessibility of a dive site;

2.6.2 Local custom, war, political unrest and other hostilities.

2.6.3 Acts of Nature (including flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or another natural disaster); and

2.6.4 Any other ensuing technical or mechanical difficulties. No refund shall be issued for any modification or cancellation resultant from such events.

2.7 Customers or students who fail to participate in any dives on a trip, or any course training sessions or training dives, for whatever reason, shall not be reimbursed by the Company for any unused or uncompleted portion(s) of the trip or course.

3. Insurance

3.1 Customers are required to secure appropriate travel insurance with a reputable insurance provider that is applicable to the activities they will be undertaking. Such insurance should provide comprehensive coverage of at least the following; diving, medical, travel, evacuation, personal liability and trip cancellation provisions. Said insurance coverage is mandatory for all Customers. The Company shall not be held responsible for any resultant financial or personal loss or injury where customers fail to secure such insurance. Upon arrival we request a written PROOF in English from the customer insurance provider that they cover evacuation and recompression chamber treatments.

3.2 The Company shall not accept any liability for the loss or damage of any personal items or dive equipment whilst onboard the dive boat, nor during the transfer(s) to or from the boat or on any SCUBA Shark property.

4. Price and Payment

The number of dives in any package is an estimate based on usual diving circumstances and not a guarantee. Circumstances may arise that will require modifying the number of dives, such as but not limited to; adverse weather conditions, personal illness, technical or mechanical difficulties, dive site remoteness/inaccessibility or personal choice. Circumstances such as this may cause a reduction in this estimated number of dives. There will be no refund in such circumstances.

5. Customer's Obligations

5.1 Where the customer is negligent or irresponsible and causes any damage to, or loss of property and equipment belonging to the Company, the customer shall reimburse the Company in full, to the current retail price of any loss or damage.

5.2 The customer undertakes to be physically, emotionally and mentally fit to participate in the activities they have signed up for. Any resultant injury or discomfort from these activities, due to any unfitness shall not be accepted as grounds for complaint or refund.

5.3 The company may prohibit an individual's participation on a dive(s), where they are physically, mentally or emotionally unfit to dive, demonstrate a distinct lack of respect for Maldivian diving rules and regulations, handle or harm marine life, consume alcohol between dives, or fail to abide by general international safe diving standards and practices.

6. Force Majeure

6.1 The Company reserves the right to modify, delay and/or cancel diving arrangements where the remoteness or inaccessibility of the diving destination, local custom, acts of Nature (fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, political unrest and other hostilities regardless of whether war is declared, or other technical or mechanical difficulties causing the arrangements to become unsafe, perilous and/or impracticable.

6.2 Where adverse weather conditions prevail, making it dangerous or inadvisable for customers or the boat to leave the port, the captain shall reserve the right to postpone diving activities until more favorable conditions prevail. This may involve an adjustment to the itinerary, which may result in cancellations of certain dive sites, and/or the re-sequencing of planned dives.

7. Cancellation

7.1 The Company will refund all monies paid by the customer to the Company where the Company itself cancels a trip or course, other than for reasons set out above. The Company shall not accept any financial responsibility for any itinerary changes or cancellations resulting from circumstances outside of the Company's control, such as, but not limited to, those stated above.

7.2 Where a cancellation is made more than 7 days before the time of arrival, all monies paid will be refunded.

7.3 Where a cancellation is made between 7 and 1 days before the trip is due to depart, the deposit will not be refunded.

7.4 Where a cancellation was made by a customer, whose booking was taken and processed by one of the Company's Agents, the customer must contact that Agent for any kind of refund. The Company will not be able to process any cancellation by, nor prepare any refund for the customer.

7.5 Any PADI Professional courses are Non refundable.

8. Severability

The failure by either party to enforce one or more of the provisions in this agreement, because of the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of that provision(s), shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision(s) in the agreement.

9. Assignment

The customer shall not assign any of its responsibilities or obligations, or delegate any of its duties under this agreement without expressed written permission by the Company.

10. Waiver

The failure by either party to perform one or more of its obligations contained in this agreement shall not be taken as a waiver of its contractual performance of any other obligation(s) in the agreement.

11. Entire Agreement

This agreement contains all the rights and obligations of both parties relating to the subject matter herein. No other arrangements, agreements or undertakings shall be granted or implied from this agreement.

12. No Third Parties

Nothing in this agreement shall expressly or impliedly confer rights on any third party.

13. Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Maldives. Where any question or issue should arise under the agreement or any of its provisions, it shall be decided only in the courts or tribunals of the Republic of Maldives, to the exclusion of any other courts or tribunals

© BEEDIBOL Pvt Ltd 2022 

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